Let’s Organize, Scan and Digitize Your Photos.

Helping You to Protect and Preserve Your Slides, Printed and Digital Photos.

Scanned and organized photos make it easier to locate your photos for continued use and for sharing. Scanning photos creates digital copies of the photo which also serves as one backup, protecting and preserving photo collections.

I am a professional photo organizer and I provide peace of mind that your photos are organized, scanned, protected and preserved.

Photo Services

Organizing Your Prints, Slides, and Negatives

If you have photos scattered throughout your home in closets, suitcases, boxes, and beyond I can help sort and organize them. An organizational plan will be made that suits you so that you and your family can enjoy your photos.

Scanning and Digitizing Your Prints and Slides

If you have prints, slides, and negatives I can scan your photos creating digital copies to organize and preserve them. I will create a system that will serve as one back-up as well it allows you to find your photos quickly in order to share with your family.

Are your un-scanned and disorganized photos making you feel:

  • overwhelmed

  • concerned

  • worried

  • guilty, or

  • anxious?

Why you might love your photos:

  • they capture your life experiences and help you to remember them later

  • they help you trace your ancestry

  • you can share your life stories with others

Your photo collection may include photographs of:

  • family members

  • special events and milestones

  • important places

Some reasons why your photo collection might need help:

  • you already have a busy day with a job and/or family

  • you don’t know where to start

  • you don’t know how to work the equipment

About Me

Welcome to Summy Photo Solutions!

My name is Callie Summy and I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I love working with my photos and helping others with theirs.

My passion for my photographs started when I was quite young. Slides made up most of my parents’ and grandparents photo collection and I always enjoyed the slide shows and their stories when my grandparents came to visit. The slide boxes were roughly labelled but the printed copies were not. My world changed when my grandmother showed me a few photo albums that she had on her bookshelf. The photos in the albums were labelled with names of those in the photos along with dates and where the photograph was taken. This brought life to the photos and this sparked my interest in my family history of who they were, where they came from and how they lived their lives.

When I was 12 years old, I was given my first camera. This began my journey in organizing photographs. Following my grandmother’s example, the developed photos from each roll of film were added to a photo album labelled with dates, names and where the photo was taken. The photos were easily accessible for others to look at with visible information about the photo.

When I got older, I started scanning my family’s photo collections, organizing them into a system. This enabled the now digital photos to be easily located for sharing and providing back-up to preserve and protect for others to enjoy.

I enjoy working with my photos and I enjoy helping others find a system that works for part or all of their photo collection.

Let me know if you would like me to help you.

More about me:

·  The Photo Managers, Certified Member

·   Ongoing classes on photo organizing, scanning and managing digital photos.

·   Mount Royal University, Adult Educator Certificate, 2015

·   Archives Society of Alberta, Archives Institute, 2011

·   Heritage Genealogy College, Certificate, 2005 - 2009

·   SAIT, Certificate, Information & Records Management, 2008 - 2011

·   SAIT, Diploma in Library Information and Technology, 1986 - 1988

·   Mount Royal University, General Arts & Science, 1978 - 1981

Do you have questions?

Would you like to talk about starting something?

You can contact me anytime. Please enter your name along with your email address and a short message and you will receive a reply by the end of the next business day.

I offer you a free phone consultation (up to 20 minutes) to discuss your photos with no obligation. Speaking with you on the phone is a great way to discuss your photos which we would schedule so that we both are available for this discussion.

After we have had a chance to talk about your photos we will both have a better understanding of what you might want done. If it is decided that you would like my help we would schedule a time for me to see your photos and discuss options to meet your goals.

Summy Photo Solutions